NB: this blog post is no longer relevant as API v2 lets you use searchRecords with multiple criteria :) I discovered something really cool tucked away in the Zoho CRM forums today. For the history, check out this thread . In summary, the searchRecords API task in Zoho CRM is impossible to use if you have multiple criteria and in general it's pretty annoying to get the single criterion right. In the forum thread, Zoho Support advised that you can actually use getRecords with a view name. This feature is not documented on the getRecords page at all but I can confirm it works:D This is really, really cool. It's going to make my life as a Zoho dev much easier! Instead of having to do something really inefficient and ugly like: leadRecords = zoho.crm.searchRecords("Leads","(Created Time|<|" + yesterday_date +")",fromIndex,toIndex); for each ele in leadRecords { lead_source = ele.get("Lead Source"); createTime=(ele.g
Hi Jeremy, pretty interesting. I'm following your course on Udemy and you should definitely put this link in the course. Just two things: in the Read.me you say to call localhost:3000/leadlist but the function, actually, is contactlist, isn't it? Then your comment says it will fetch all the leads (actually contacts) but as far as I know the call to "crm.getRecords" will just get the first 20 records (200 if you use the index form). To get all the records you must reiterate the call. Am I wrong? Thanks.